Saturday, July 9, 2011

For Epi By Eva Eames

Epi is one of my oldest friends and is one of those subs that has seemed to gain legendary status in the Femdom circles. He's a fixture. Go to any Femdom in SL and ask if anyone knows Epicyclic Gears and ten to one, you'll get a yes. Of course, he's mostly famous for two things: his aptitude at yard work and his hysterics when his owner, the lovely Lady Christy leaves his side. But Epi has been so much more than his bit of roleplaying fun. He's been a friend to me, a confidante, someone I have been able to trust without question. Epi has supported me near and far, even when he hasn't always agreed with everything. I can't imagine a SL without him scrubbing the floor or weeding the lawn. I know his time is more sporadic these days, and its difficult being at Dominion when he is seldom able to use voice or hear, but I always feel his support. For those of you who haven't gotten to know Epi, I hope you will take some time to text with him and experience his wit and humour. And maybe, if you're really lucky, the fates will be on your side and you'll hear him voice with that upper crust british accent. British nobility? Maybe..he did mention his son's marriage earlier this year. Thank you for your support and friendship Epi.


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