Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Tribute To Christy by Roxana Bergan

Christy Georgette

Some people enter your life like a speeding train…… hurtling straight towards you.

You remember everything about the first moments. The circumstances you met, the first conversations….you remember it all in great detail.
I’d like to tell you that’s how I remember Christy, how we met, the first words, ect…….but I can’t.

You see, some blessings arrive in your life like a whispering wind, or gently flowing water. Christy was the slow flowing river who seeped into my life about 18 months ago.

I barely noticed how she shaped me like the river shapes solid rock over time. She supported me when I was like a toy boat, being tossed around when great real life tragedy hit me. Always made sure I righted myself up and not capsized when I lost the last two of my family within 10 weeks of each other, and the time my real life sub almost died on the operating table.

She was my port in a storm; she spoke the words that stuck in my throat, and stung my eyes.

She was my voice when I was unable to express myself, and the fuse to my anger and frustration at the injustice of it all.

The light at the end of the tunnel I would focus on when all around me was black with chaos.

To this day I’m sure she was keeping note cards. She remembered every detail. As soon as I logged in, she was there. If I hadn’t logged in for a few days, there was a note making sure I was ok, and in between would be words of encouragement when I logged in.

We don’t always know how we help each other out in this crazy pixel world, but a kind word, or a little empathy goes a long way.
If all Second Life is…… just a game. Then play on.


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