Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Special Confessions: Tributes To Our Staff

All of the confessions from July 9, 2011 are from a special 'Staff Tribute' event. Thank you to everyone who contributed. It was an amazing evening!


Let me say before we begin how grateful I am to everyone who contributes to our community, our Ladies Of The Dominion, our Mistresses and subs. You all make Dominion what it is, and although tonight is about our staff, I want you all to know how grateful I am for your participation and for making Dominion home.


Tonight's Confessions is all about our staff, the people who ban and eject for you, who settle your arguments, who'll tell you whether or not your ass really looks fat in that outfit, who tell me how it is and how it isn't when no one else will, who make things happen and keep this place running. Who make you laugh, feel welcome, and offer you a kind ear when you need it. Who return your prims and help you work that damned collar you just bought. Who warn you off the 'ones who are trouble' and tell you where to get the right outfit. They are the ones who drop everything in a middle of building or scening with their partners to come and sort things out for you when there is trouble. They are our heart, our soul, and they spend endless hours helping our members with little recognition and no pay. This night is for you, The staff of The Dominion.


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