Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Wonder by Robb Darkbyrd

I wonder…
I wonder about that place,
That place I imagine
I wonder what it would be like,
To be inside, to be a part of,
Inside that circle.
To feel that feeling, of belonging.
To hear those words,
Your words.
An angel’s words.
To feel that that touch,
Your touch.
A silky touch.
To hear that voice,
Your voice.
Your tender, kind voice.
To feel your love,
A woman’s love.

I let myself drift to that place,
And I fall into a hazy bliss, so at peace,
Fully enraptured.
All the noise and haze about,
Drifts away and there is nothing else,
But you, and I, inside.
Finally free,
Free to feel,
to feel all.
I linger in this place,
Longer then I should,
Knowing it won’t last,
But I allow myself to,
And savor being close to you.

My heart bursts imagining it all,
and I slowly slide out from my place, our place,
I let myself drift slowly to the surface.
I am left with a smile,
The feeling of the sun washing over me,
A soft, tender melody tugs at my heart,
As I close my eyes,
And I float,
Thinking of you, and I.
And I wonder…


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