Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sighs by Anonymous

A breath of fresh air caressed my face as you breezed into my life
Your heart was in every word you spoke
Your eyes focused on me alone
You were mine
My treasure
My boy
How life teases us
Making us believe we are invincible
That  we could touch the moon
And still be home for tea
The jigsaw was complete
And all was right in our world of glass
But there outside the crystal shell
Life started to chip away our own piece of heaven
And you started to slip away from me
I saw you breaking
Torn between me and the unknown
Wanting to venture outside
To who knows where
Wanting to take me with you
I loved you for that
You needed to follow that path
On your own
So I walked with you
Hand in hand
Where the waves crashed on golden sands
And the sky was as blue as your eyes
Where boat of your dreams
Its sails rippling in the wind
Beckoned you
As you walked slowly aboard
I could see you struggle with the load you carried
So I cut the rope
That bound you to me
And watched as you floated over the surf
How could my heart be so heavy
And yet so light at the same time
No words were needed
I knew
You knew
That was all that mattered
As you became just a blur on the horizon
I closed my eyes
Breathed in deeply
Everything was in its place
So I turned and walked slowly home


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