Saturday, October 8, 2011

Message by Lady Mo

He speaks to Her after many nights of hidding behind. From the shadow he comes.Sometimes.
Many nights of secret worship about Her existence, he speaks to Her. Once in a while.
He speaks to her about the perfect beauty of Her face. Then silence. Almost forgotten.
Then he shows up. He sents his greeting to Her categorizing Her as the best and the fairest.
Silence once again. She knows him from the dark. That dark he is hidding in. He whispers like a distant
wind to her:"Truely, i want to be Your property." She likes her sarcasm. Above all She likes
her realism. She responds back to him: "Yes. And i want to take my leave to the wide Universe.
Without any false hopes. Truely." He speaks this again. His wish to be her property once again slips his
distant mind. Into the words. For her to hear. She says in firm and rather cold voice: "Men. You are unbeliveable
you surely are." She concludes and comes back to herself. To the only safe ground really. Herself she is.
All the rest is just a word, merely a sound. Touches her, but effect doesnt last.
After some time he responds saying good evening. "How are you, and your day, Ruleress? Then he proceeds:"
In human existence the
highest matter is to rule. To rule means to live rightfully. There, where eternal laws exist, that is where
empire is. Rulers divides the essence from all material, external, sporadic in order to achive
there is only soul left so the soul may come back to its primaeval home. A soul itself, She is. The word, the will
of ruleress is the law and Her thought effects deeds and dreams of her subjects. Only what She does is to
nurture Herself as she is. She does it sacrally, so her light is lighter, her wit is wittier. Therefore her Light
,Her wit shine above her subjects, as an final example of that light. That is antaryamin, the controller of sky wain.
For regulated rule of the outer world is the postulate of inner freedom of a soul. True freedom occures troughout the
pain, self disapproval, discipline and self discipline. And, at the end, first consequnce of unrealized spirituality
is that the meaning of life looses its meaning.
You are the one who is dividing the light from the dark, you are controller of sky wain, you are the Ruleress.
To measure life of a human soul is awakness, awakenss is a sensitivity to all that human soul is. And sensitivity
of a soul to a soul is Love." She responds on that to him. "To rule is not easy and it is not a ball. To rule is to
put your ownself and aspects of your ownself in danger to be lost or be repressed. I am big fan of cahtarsis, we all
go trough one, us being rulers or not.
He speaks to her about her beauty again and she asks then. "How long are you going to do this? Until i say its enough?"
She asks retorical question and he responds to her back calling her The Fairest, saying this is what it chimes inside
of him and saying You are the one who decides if you will hear it or not. Truely.
Then, She concludes: "I might hear you if it was spoken to me, i would hear it if it was a constant. If it was spoken to me only.
This way i hear you have many Rulers. And i refuse to be only one of them. Or i am the One or i m noone to you and dont
you dare. This way all i hear is man's fantasy. I am a woman who breathes. What does a man's fantasy means for my breath.
Mererly a breeze, which now and then touches my thigh. Not even my ego. And what rules here is not ego, its Superego,
my love for my own. The only way to prevail and keep on going, since this is no concern of yours. Others. Yes, truely.
That is the only way there is.


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