Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Bridge by Anon

From the other side of the bridge
I can see you as we stand
The brige seems so long today,
You feel so far away.

I can see you standing there, at the edge.
I can see them behind you, calling you back.

The voices behind you murmer..
"Don't go there, don't go to that one.
You will be hurt, that one is no different to the others. "

The voices behind me scream
"Don't go there, don't go to that one.
She will hurt you, she will bring pain."

I stand and watch as they pull your back,
Wrapping a thread around your arm

I watch as they attempt to reclaim you
I watch as they run their fingers back around you
A thread running between you, and them

I watch
I watch
I watch

I take a breath and step forward.
I will risk it
I will move
I ignore the voices of doubt
Which SCREAM at me

I watch, unable to move, attached to the spot
As you turn back towards them
I watch your back
Now and then as you look back towards me, and smile

I want to leave
I want you to turn back to me
Yet all I can do is watch

From the other side of the bridge


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