Saturday, October 29, 2011

Confession By Anonymous

Surrounded by cold and the dark of despair,
My world is so empty and I drown in its depths.

The lead of emotions are pulling like quicksand,
The more that I labor to be free, I sink.

Sadness and pain leave me feeling so empty,
My eyes fill with tears, no way out in sight.

My body is aching from lonely desire,
A hole deep within me, pleading to be filled.

Then from deep in this mire a memory assaults me,
A vision of beauty, a beacon of hope.

Is it you that I picture, your eyes focused on me,
Your hand reaching to me, to pull me from low.

One look at your face and a light does rekindle,
A warmth and compassion that none can compare.

Your arms wrap around me, as I kneel beneath you,
Embraced oh so tightly, the sadness erased.

Your wrath and your kindness has given me solace,
Now I can return to you, all that I take.

In the dark I see you, my heart reaches toward you,
Your fingers entwine with mine.

I look in your eyes and am rapt by their splendor,
Awash in the moonlight that rakes though the room.

My lips at your feet as my arms are bound behind me,
I rise to your lips and they gently embrace.

Your breath on my face, like a fragrant wisp,
Speaking your heart as I bare mine to you.

As we slowly descend to the bed that awaits us,
My body so softly with tension does shiver.

Awaiting the chance to share what’s within me,
To show you my hearts, a flood of devotion.

Your hands reach out and guide me with passion,
My breath is forfeit and your glory my home.

We hold to each other as we learn what is pleasure,
Our hearts beating faster as we sync in our pose.

The sweat on our bodies, consumed by our fire,
Together we ride as our future unfolds.


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