Sunday, October 16, 2011

Anniversary Confession by Wheels

I remember coming to the Dominion my first time. I was in search of finding and a Mistress like I had once before online. When I searched femdom, a few caught my eye and I began tp’n to a few but when I tp’d to the Dominion I heard voices. Voices and a conversation that scared the hell out of me but voices never the less. The conversation or I should say yelling was of the Ladies telling a boy that he had no right sitting on the furniture. I listened a little more before tp’n out of there before I did something wrong. Having the rules I read through them carefully and I have to admit it took me a few days to go back. Now this is way back when everyone sat in the back where they do the interviews now and my understanding was that boys were not allowed in pass the step without a Ladies permission and I kneeled back away with the other guys hoping not to be noticed and just listen in.

After a few days of doing this I began addressing the Ladies and hoping I got it right, who liked “Miss” and who wanted to be called “Lady”. Then it happened the ding, an IM from a Mistress, “come closer boy”, I nervously replied, “yes Miss” and kneeled in front of her. I had been listening to her with a great interest as I really liked her English accent, it wasn’t everyday I heard one. Yes it was the lovely voice of Miss Destiny and she undoubtedly had my full attention. She started asking questions about my profile and we had a nice conversation going. Then I was passed something, Miss Destiny said fill this out and if I had any questions just ask. A kinks list and such a long list it was with some things then I’ve never heard of. I filled it out the best I could asking question after question to Miss Destiny as I went on to her little laughs at some of them. I passed it back to her, telling her “done Mistress”. To her reply, “Mistress, getting your hopes up boy?” and there was a smile after. I quickly said “Miss sorry Miss”. She was looking over my kinks and I got a reply, “seems we have some things in common” and to be honest everything after that is a blur, I wish I still had the logs to go back on and see but I’ll never forget my first meeting of Miss Destiny as she was the first Mistress I met in SL. I returned from to to time and always looking for Miss Destiny and met a few others. But not knowing a lot I was unsure I was ready for it and left the Dominion and pursued a vanilla relationship that turned D/s after about seven months and I couldn’t get enough of it.

I came back to the Dominion after telling my partner and Mistress about it. I can remember coming in search of that beautiful English accent and after a day or two, there it was and correcting a boy as I heard it, go figure huh? I told my Mistress she’s here that is the Mistress I met when I came first came here. Still nervous I typed in local, “hello Miss Destiny do you remember me?” and in voice I heard, “of course Wheels I remember you”. You could of knocked me over with a feather. I never left the Dominion after that day and my partner/Mistress lasted another six months after that before real life issues got in the way of things. I've been both happy and sad here at the Dominion but the happy times far out weight the sad ones. It’s my home with close friends I couldn’t do without. Thank you all for your help in making me grow into who I really am and the support that is second to none.



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