Saturday, June 30, 2012

Why I Know God Is A Woman by Anonymous

Why I know God is a Woman

It's how the universe is still wet with color,
how Galileo swooned like some voyeur
when scanning the rippled labia of stars..
echoing God's vulva again and again,
like puffs of galaxy waves as she birthed
the universe.

And though the universe has grown cold
as a world in perpetual Winter from
Persephone's absence...there are still these echoes,
these wet tremors to remember, like when
she hovered and pistoned down
and up upon me...allowing me to enter in
as a Roman spear into the side of Christ,
and in ecstatic agony, she whispered,
"Darling, consider the lilies...."
My love, my God, I do--

the last remaining prayer
still painted on my lips.



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