Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fate by Dark

Fate by Dark.

Fate, what is it, does it exist, or is it just something people want to believe in when something good happens?
When the auction was approaching and I lost both my voice and ears, I could not participate.. and fate was the last thing on my mind, at that point I
was starting to believe in curses.

But as the Auctioned ended and the days went on, Miss Fallen had begun talking to me more and more. We had initially started talking over my voice problem
and She spent hours in IM with me trying to figure out what could be wrong. But now we were going to sims together to just sit and talk, have a laugh
and enjoy each others company, we began speaking on Skype and spending more time in each others presence. The following weekend approached, and I had gone away
with friends for 3 days, we were texting each other, and staying in contact, but we were merely friends, I held no expectations as to what would develop
as I wasn't even sure myself what I was looking for, but when Miss Fallen asked me not to go up for auction the following week, I couldn't help but smile.

I wasn't sure She was interested in me, but I knew we both enjoyed each others company. And when She confirmed it, I realised that the feeling was very much
reciprocated, and we began talking even more and I couldn't of felt happier. On the day of trials I had a urge of bravery and decided to go up, I had just
finished and went and knelt by Miss Fallen, when She told me there was a tag for me in Her group, it was official, She had offered me a consideration collar!

I smiled, not really knowing what to say, it was a little unexpected at that moment, but it was received with a open heart, I knew I wanted it, I thanked Her
and changed the tag proudly.

So does fate exist, I believe so! if my voice had not had the issue on that fateful day, I would of done the auction and possibly never spoke to Miss Fallen.

So weather fate does exist, or fate doesn't exist, I am thankful that my voice was out, every cloud has a silver lining, and Miss Fallen has kindly
giving me mine!

Thank You Miss Fallen!


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