Greetings my Mistress. I hope your day is going fantastic. I am just driving along trying to think of the proper words to use in my letter to congress I am writing in an attempt to have them declare June 6th (for clarification that is Mistress' Birthday) a national holiday. Thinks of Mistress. Thinks of Mistress. Thinks of Mistress. Oh, there was one more thing Mistress. Nothing really. Quite inconsequential. Probably not even necessary to bring up and bother your greatness with. But...last night a silly baseball team I like to follow when my head is not virtually and very hopefully one day really, buried up your magnificent butt, made history and advanced to the league championship for a 7 game series against the mighty Yankees with the winner advancing to the world series. The first two games are in Dallas on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. And I was wondering, my glorious perfect Mistress, whom I exist for, love, worship, and owe my life to, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I put an appeal on facebook to see of any of my friends, especially the corporate ones, might happen to have an extra ticket they would be willing to impart with. The games are already sold out. Again, I love Mistress Lisa, I love Mistress Lisa, I love Mistress Lisa, all hail the mighty Woman :)))))
Post script. Mistress got a good laugh, could tell that my mind was focused on her, and i did end up getting to go to game 2 of the series which we won.
Post post script...we won the series from the Yankees last night and are now advancing to the World Series. A major sucking up i think is in my very near future
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
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