Saturday, February 11, 2012

To The Lady by Eroyan

 To the Lady, who gave me so much.

    When I decided to go to Dominion that day, I had no idea what would happen to me. I was still just traveling to places that interested me. I had been here before and teased, listened and spoke with others but it was just a place.
    That day… I don’t know how to describe it. I arrived and there she was, sitting and talking with others. I think there were about three other subs around and maybe a Lady or two, but the simple fact is, I can only remember her. How she sat, how she spoke, how she laughed, I for once was ultimately dumbfounded and in awe.

    It was as if my brain sent a telegram to my heart which read:
From Brain to Heart: Attention! : Stop
Learn as much about this Lady as possible. : Stop
All other thoughts and actions suspended. : Stop
Action to be under taken immediately: Stop
By Order of Higher Command: Stop: End.

    At the same moment as I knelt there and just listened and gazed at her in absolute amazement at not only her but myself. My heart sent a letter to my brain.
My dearest companion and love,
    We must take upon ourselves a grand duty of actively seeking this angel from heaven and implore her for favor. Never have I skipped so many beats trying to merely see what you do. But never have you been so distracted at the feelings and energy I pick up from this beautiful woman. She already has disrupted our thought and feelings and we have yet to even know her name. I suggest my love we start there.
    Ever devoted, your love.

    This is the only way I can describe what I felt when I first saw her and the journey I would undertake. It was a split second agreement that for good or ill, I had to know this beautiful Lady. So I began and it was not easy.

       After introductions, I tried so many things to gather more of her attention and get to know this elusive Lady. I teased her and that was not received well as normal. I knew a bit more how special she was and demanding that she was not to be wooed as so many others with hollow promises or playing. I learned when to tease and when to be slightly naughty, but I was slowly working to being tolerated. For at first I am sure I was seen as one who could not commit nor was willing to.

    I worked on myself, took steps to be ready for that. She grew daily in my mind as one I wanted to take more chances with, than I had taken in so long. But the work was not yet done. I spoke of many things doing my best to attract her attention. Spoke of weather and goings on in second life and sometimes real life. I found conversations revolving around my real life seemed to interest her most, but her real life interested me as well. I had to know who she was. There were conversations were some succeeded and others failed. Some where I walked away smiling and others kicking myself for being so stupid.

        I had finally managed to be at least accepted at her feet. I was permitted the joy to kneel there before this beautiful Lady, to drink in the warmth that seemed to flow from her. One could easily get drunk off of it and I did so many times happily.
   I was afraid too for not only could I barely speak to her, I knew she was a sadist. I had never really had anyone that took pleasure in causing pain. At one moment I doubted…Can you do this? I asked myself. Will you be willing to accept what she wanted to do just for her pleasure even if it doesn’t please you one bit. Are you willing to commit to that? For you know you must, if you are to make her happy. I did not speak or visit for a couple of days till finally I knew my answer.
    It had been almost three months to the day since I first saw her and not a day had passed that I still did not stare in awe at her. I had tried everything to gain her favor. I had privileges, kneeling at her feet, being able to speak to her privately. Things I did my best not to abuse, but was more than eager and happy to use when I could. But I had run out of things to talk about. To say, to even think up, I didn’t know what I was going to do.

       Finally without warning, my heart commanded my brain, and without thinking. I swear I only remember after the fact, these events. It just happened. I knelt before her and looked up into her eyes. Those pools of such depth and calm shaded by the warmth and fire of her hair along a snow white field of her skin made me shiver and without any thought to myself or her or anyone I let my heart cry out to her. “I have been trying to get to know you for three months now. And Miss…your making it really dang hard.”

  I actually remember snapping awake at this moment and just said in my mind. “Oh shit, what did I just do?” A heartbeat and silence, then she laughed.

    Oh my god she laughed. Not a cruel laugh, not one of contempt. A purely mirthful teasing laugh that went up my spine and wrapped itself around me, I can only say it is still the most wonderful laugh I have ever heard, almost like wind chimes on a perfect spring day. I breathed or tried to. It was so lovely, it was a laugh of such heartbreaking beauty and it wasn’t for something someone else said, or someone else did. It wasn’t a joke or anything other than me… I had often wondered why afterwards it felt like I just belonged to her that I don’t recall how long it was till I was owned after this. Looking back it was then, right then when she laughed that beautiful laugh for me that I belonged to her. It was that instant I was lost to any other but her.

  She smiled at me and I was invited to her home for the first time. As I mentioned before, I think we both knew that there was nothing else that needed to be said. I was hers for as long as I could be. I had made my choice.

   They say that home is where the heart is. That absence makes the heart grow fonder. I really hope… I can come home.

Happy Valentine’s Day,

From your ever, stubborn troublemaker.


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