Saturday, September 3, 2011

Time by Zaira


It takes time
Just give it time
Time will help
Time will make it better, make it right again
You'll feel better in time
Time will tell
Time is of the essence

I hate time
Time is like patience
I have time for neither, most of the time.

Does time always help?
What if time does not help?
What if it is lost time?

It changes over time.
What if I always just miss what I shared with her?
What could have been, in time.
I don't want time to remove my memories, my feelings.
Time has taken the raw, the intensity, the total all consuming hurt, ache.. most of the time.

Would I want to go back in time?

Time helps
Time heals

Time drives me insane
I hate time.

Time can not go back, time marches forward

I want to go forward,
I have gone forward, when I have not focused on the time to realise it

Time allows a focus shift
You have been there, time after time
With me, for me, beside me
I want to go forward to you, with you.
Will you still be there in time?

I want the time I have to wait, to go faster.

Does time run out?
Are you ever just, loosing precious time?
Are you killing time, waiting for a sense of sureness, which will never come?

I suppose, only time will tell.


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