Saturday, September 3, 2011

Surrender by Gia

I believe in compartmentalization,
The splitting of the halves so that the whole may survive.

Because I also believe in nose-kissing
Can’t-catch-your-breath schoolgirl giggling.

I believe that cuddling should be categorized as
A full-contact sport
With yearly conventions
Free t-shirts.

I believe there should be trophies involved.

I also believe that mix-tapes
Song lyrics
Will always make the best love letters.

I believe that some stories are best told
Without the finicky temperament of modern language.

I believe that some oral histories are best shared without words.

I believe in kissing.
I believe in teeth.
I believe in skin.

And so I ask that you come to my door.
A knee-scraping sinner
Wrest my control to the floor.

Sew my halves together;
Follow the roadmaps etched into my thighs.

Rest your open book upon my chest,
Watch as I shove my hands deep into my pockets,
Digging for some scrap of a rational explanation.

I will come up grasping,
With decryption code carved into my palms.

You will push your truth hard against my dare;
My eyes will turn to the skies for an explanation.

I will divide my halves by your whole.
I will splinter.
I will spill.


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