Courtyard Time
He walked in to the Dominion courtyard and quickly fell to his knees. Having only been there a couple times prior he at least knew that boys were required to kneel at all times. It was just passed midnight in his neck of the woods and the courtyard held only a handful of people. There was one presence that overpowered the rest. Not because of Her beauty although it can not be rivaled. It was something else, something much harder to explain. All he know was that this Woman was not to be fooled with.
He had always considered himself a strong man, yet when She addressed him he trembled. Was it that he was caught off guard? no, Her voice, Her tone, Her words, they all shouted control even though she spoke relatively softly. He fumbled with an answer as she calmly followed with another question. Her words flowed smoothly yet cut like a double edged sword. Extracting little bits of information from him while making him aware that he is by no means Her equal.
She slowly and methodically continued the questioning, allowing him to begin to feel comfortable and then quickly push him back down with just a word, or a question that reminded him of his true calling in life, a submissive male. When he made a mistake she had no problem correcting him, and letting him know how foolish he was to make such and error. When he failed to respond as She directed him to, She just responded with, "Thats One". Those words rang in his head long after he left but they were effective as he placed much more focus on his answers and did not forget to reply with the proper respect again.
As the conversation continued She drew more and more personal information from him. Digging out deeper and deeper secrets. Before he knew it he was telling Her things about himself that he had told very few people if anyone. The time flew by as he relieved more and more of himself to Her and then, in the blink of an eye, things changed. He did not even realize until it was too late. She never lifted a finger, never raised Her voice, nor did She need any ropes or chains. Yet he found himself under Her heel. Not physically but mentally Her foot was planted firmly on his neck. She continued to talk to him, no longer with questions, but now with statements, using what She had learned against him. Forcing him down lower and lower, making his body react just the way She wanted it too. Until he was right where She wanted him, right where he belonged, just another boy to do Her bidding.
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