Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Saerch For You. For Dave By Zarita

"My search for you, your search for me is a search after something that cannot be found. Only the impossible is worth the effort. What we seek is love itself, revealed now and again in human form, but pushiing us beyond our humanity into animal instinct and god-like success. The love we seek overrules human nature. It has a wildness in it and a glory that we want more than life itself. Love never counts the cost, to itself or others, and nothing is as cruel as love. There is no true love that does not pierce the hands and feet.

Merely human love doe not satisfy us, though we settle for it. It is an encampment on the edge of the wilderness and we light the fire and turn up the lamp and tell stories late into the night of those great loves lost and won.

The wilderness waits, it is not tamed. It waits- beautiful and terrible -beyond the reach of the campfire. Now and again someone gets up to leave, forced to read the map of themselves, hoping that the treasure is really there. A record of their journey comes back to us in note form, sometimes just a letter in a dead man's pocket.

Love is worth death Love is worth life. My search for you, your search for me, goes beyond life and death into one long call in the wilderness. I do not know if what I hear is an answer or an echo. Perhaps I will hear nothing. It doesn't matter. The journey must be made."

Jeanette Winterson
The Power Book


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