Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Game Part Two: The Setup by Anonymous

The Game - Part II The Setup

Synopsis of Part I - Alex is a gaming fan, and had been on the hunt for this ultimate game he kept hearing about.  He found out that a friend, Melissa, AKA Mel, had the inside scoop and they signed up with Mel as his "handler" for the game.

I couldn't wait to get back to my dorm to set up the program. As I dropped Melissa off at her dorm and took in her bags I was growing excited at the prospect of playing the game.

"You won't be able to log in till you get things set up and I log in as well, after all." She approached and seemed to smirk mischievously. "I am your handler." She laughed and I had to as well give a chuckle

"Ok ok, I have to do some homework while it installs and will give you a call later tonight then." I was on my way out the door and was closing it when I heard her response

"Be sure to read the manual, and we'll set up you avatar tonight."

I gave a small laugh and nodding, "Ok Mel will see you later." I went home, quickly closing the door and placed the box next to the computer. Unpacking the box, I placed the manual down beside the computer giving it but a glance. I mean why read it, I'll be playing soon enough, I can learn it then. Taking the disk and placing it into the laptop, I started the installation. I felt an urge to look through the other contents of the box but decided it'd be more fun to wait. As it installed I took care of a few other chores, homework, cleaning, a shower, a few phone calls. Though I must admit to having to checked on the progress bar every few minutes.

A few hours passed and I heard the computer sound a ding. I quickly got up to finish the installation. Pulling the box close. it instructed me to attach the visor into the USB slot. There was a series of beeps and then a rather vivid diagram came up on the screen. Taking out a band and a choker. I placed them on, careful to make sure the bands went on the right wrist and ankle as the diagram showed. The Visor went onto my head and over my ears, and I pulled it down to see the screen stating it was running properly.

The game did a final program check. "Connecting to your handler", it said.  A beta test needing a handler was just weird but probably not a bad idea. Somebody to mentor and show you the ropes, or at least thats what I thought. I checked the clock. It would be another hour 'til Mel would be back home. I hated waiting. Maybe I should look over the manual. I lifted the manual up and had just begun to flip through the pages when I heard my phone ring. Raising the visor I looked at the caller ID. "Hey Mel, whats up?"  I say, answering the phone.

I hear her voice, "Got off early thought I"d see how the upload is going."

I leaned back into the chair and smiled "All done and ready to log in when you are." I could almost hear her smile as she responded, "Good, Did you read the manual?"

I glanced over at the booklet and spoke quickly. "Of course, yes it sounds fun, can't wait to play."

She didn't sound so sure with her response. "Surre...well I'll log in. You should as well. I'll help you set up your avatar." There was a click as she hung up before I responded.

Within a few minutes I heard a ding and lowered the visor. The words "Handler Online" came across the screen. The next thing I knew I heard a voice, Mel's, through the speakers.

"Hey Alex, I see you made it this far. When you click the 'next' button you'll have the TOS and a few forms to agree to before we can start. If you have any questions just ask, ok?"

I quickly clicked the next button that appeared. A few windows opened. Of course I did what I always did in this circumstance. I scanned to the end and clicked the accept. and then again on the next screen. When asked who my handler was I put in Mel's name and clicked the Next button

"Wow that was fast Alex, you sure you read all that?"

I smiled and nodded, as if she could see me "Yeah, interesting stuff." I lied, and I think she knew or expected it, as the welcome screen came up  Well here we go.

Mel walked me through it, "First, you have to pick the gender of your avatar. This can be changed later, so pick what you want to be." I thought about it. In most games looking at a female avatar while playing can make playing better on the eyes. I clicked the female button and I could hear her laugh slightly. "Ok now for appearance. We might have to work on that a bit, but if you make any mistakes I"ll correct them later."

I quirked a brow and laughed "Gee thanks. Ok, so there, that should work. Where do I assign a class or job?" I hit the accept button to submit the avatar.

"You only have one job, alex,and you'll see that soon. Now then, just a few more things for you to accept and we'll be done." There was a pause and I could hear her clicking buttons again. Then the Image of my avatar appeared. Though where I picked blond hair the avatar's ?
hair was red, with green eyes and the height was slightly smaller. I figured she just made it a bit different and I should just accept it to change later after I get the hang of it. Clicking the accept to that, another came up.

I read the question as my finger was hitting the accept   "Do you accept Melissa as your Own..."

The question vanished, and I felt a bite to the back of my neck as the choker made a small sound. I felt a small burning as my hand reached up to rub it. I could see on the screen now say "Loading features to collar and bands please hold......" a beep and another line appeared on the screen  "Saving settings and updating control unit."

I hear Mel's voice "I'll see you in world," before I feel the burning heat and pass out in my chair.


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