Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Adventures Of Ted Part 3 by Patrick

When last we left Ted , he just got out of the glory hole after the Ladies had their fun with him and he expressed his wishes to stay and was told about the Dominion and now the continuing saga of the adventures of Ted:

As Ted dresses he is giving the directions to the Dominion, Miss Raffi saying " Well Ted since you chose to stay I will show you the secret entrance to The Dominion. Do you see that little pad there on the floor?"

Ted looks about and in the corner of the back room spies what Miss Raffi was talking about, and nods his yes as he finishing putting on his shoes. Miss Raffi watches him do this and gives him a stern look and says " Excuse me Ted, how about a yes Ma'am instead of a nod yes." Ted straightens up and clears his throat saying " Yes Ma'am, I am sorry Ma'am. Miss Raffi walks Ted over to the teleporter  and tells Ted that if he takes this he is going to a whole new world of wonderment and excitement of which he has never seen before. Ted is taking this all in and not really believing what he is hearing as Miss Raffi talks he just nods his head politely up and down.

After Miss Raffi is done talking Ted says his good byes and thanks the Ladies for showing him a new way of life, he takes a deap breath and mutters more to him self " Well here goes nothin ." As Ted clicks on the teleporter his body starts to feel weird as it does he gets all light headed and things go black and then the next thing Ted realizes he is on the steps of what  appears to be a castle he looks up and sure enough it is. Ted takes a look around checking out his surrounding as he does he notices a courtyard with few people milling about and some chairs for sitting . He thinks to him self well now this place might not be so bad after what I just went through I could use a seat boy am I wiped out those Ladies were rough.

As Ted makes his way off the steps he walks over toward the courtyard and eyes a chair while  he is doing this he is greeted bye the people in the courtyard. the first one to do it is Madi and she says " Hey Ted welcome to the Dominion!" Then Lady Gabrielle say " Hello Ted". Ted has like tunnel vision or something cause he hears none of this as he walks closer to the chair. Ted sits down and goes OUCH! and rubs his butt a bit before sitting down and then goes AAAHH! Maybe sitting wasn't such  a great idea after the time he just had with Ladies at the club. After Ted finally found a comfortable position Miss Tika who happens to be in the courtyard at that time looks over and sees Ted sitting on the chair and says " Excuse me there Ted, are you comfy?"

Ted looks up and finally notices the people in the courtyard and says "Oh hiya! Why thank you for asking yes, I just had a rough couple hours." As he says this Miss Tika gives him a stern look and says "Well Ted the chairs aren't for males but for the Ladies."  Ted looks at Miss Tika with a quizzical look. Ted says "UH?" Miss Tika looks over toward Madi and says " Excuse me Madi can you pass Ted there the rules please, and Ted please get off the chair." Ted goes "Ok sure sorry I didn't know." Miss Tika says well Madi  is passing you the rules so please read them so there will be no excuses." Madi says" Here are the rules Ted , if you need help with them please feel free to ask for I am a liaison here." Ted says" Ah ok thank you Miss Madi." Madi replies back "  Thank you Ted but I am not a Miss but am a sub." Ted goes" OH ok sorry I was told by the Ladies in the club that I should use the title Miss when addressing a Lady."

Lady Gabrielle is taking this all in as she sits there with Madi kneeling by her feet and says " Yes Ted that is true unless they are a sub of course. Since your talking about the club I assume you have met some of our Ladies already?" Ted says "Oh yes as he rubs his bottom and grimaces . I was told about this place and that they  like boys who take it up the ass, and I just fund out I am one of those boys so they sent me here."

Upon hearing this Miss Tika, Lady Gabrielle and Madi all started laughing till they were almost crying. When Miss Tika was able to gather her self a bit she said " Yes Ted that is what we are famous for." And then everyone started to laugh again. Ted didn't know what was so funny either way while they were laughing he was reading the rules and started to scratch his head thinking holy cow these are strict.

Ted looks up and says "So these are for real the rules and if I wish to stay I got to go by whats on this paper uh?"  Lady Gabrielle goes" Yes Ted we take our rules very seriously here and if you don't abide by them well then you won't be here long." Ted replies " Ah well that seems fair enough , will I find a Miss here that will do some of the things that the Ladies did in the club?" Madi goes " Well Ted that is up to the Lady to decide , however we do have an auction every other Saturday and who knows maybe someone will bid on you." Ted is thinking this over and remembering the time in the club and a smile comes across his face and says" OK I will give it a go then." As he is saying this he gets down on his knees into the kneeling position.

Just as he does this Miss Nej and her awesome sub Patrick come into the courtyard greeting everyone as they do.  Everyone in the courtyard greets them back. Ted recognizes Miss Nej right away and waves , he then proceeds to open an IM with Miss Nej saying " Hey Miss Nej remember me ?" Miss Nej isn't paying attention to Ted but instead talks to Madi and says "Say Madi can you help out Ted here with the rules please." Madi replies back " It has already been taken care Miss Nej." In a stern voice Miss Nej says "Well seems someone needs to read them again." At this time Miss Tika replies "Excuse me Nej but what did he do?"

Miss Nej explains that Ted IMed her without permission in local, poor Ted has a quizzical look on his face not knowing for sure what if anything he did wrong. But as Miss Nej explains what happened all the Ladies in the courtyard gasp and Lady Gabrielle goes" Tsk tsk Ted that is one of our rules." Miss Tika adds " Well Ted I did say for you to read the rules so there would be no excuses if you broke one didn't I?" Ted is looking all around and goes "UH . all I did was say hello to Miss Nej in private."

Miss Tika replies "Ted if you read the rules then you would have known that you must ask permission first to talk to a Lady in private. and since you didn't  I am going to send you away for a bit so that it will give you time to read the rules , I am not banning you but if you come back and don't follow the rules well that could be the next step. Good bye Ted I hope you will learn a lesson here." As Miss Tika gets finished talking she ejects Ted from The Dominion sending him back to whence he came.

Once Ted is gone Lady Gabrielle and Miss Tika both ask Miss Nej if she is alright and she say " Oh of course how could I not be having the best sub in the world." As Patrick kneels by her feet  he looks up and smiles. Miss Nej goes on to say well I hope I haven't deterred Ted in finding his place here." Lady Gabrielle replies " Well Nej that will be up to him of course, he has the rules and knows how we feel about them , so hopefully he will take Tika's advice and read them.  

Will this be the end of Ted and his new found dream of becoming a submissive , is he back to his life of ramen noodles and beefarino. Only time and Ted can answer that one stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of the Adventures of Ted.


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