Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Love Story...D Style By Anonymous

Love, lust, bliss, betrayal, revenge
The tale of Z and V and Pammy E
The Triangle!

This is a tale of two clitty’s….well….three clittys actually.
It all started with a blissful meeting in the courtyard.
Two souls with but one desire…..domination.
It was a marriage made in….desperation and madness.
The merging of Pammy and Zarita was fore ordained.
It might even have been five ordained down under.
They looked into each others eyes….and
When they stopped laughing
Said each to the other…..lets do it
Those of us sitting around the courtyard all moved away
When either of these two says lets do it…wise women step back
But….in this case…it was a case of nuptial insanity
One can only suppose that Pammy had finally been driven over the edge by Billy
As for Zarita….well she’s an who knows what thoughts run rampant there
But the upshot is...they had decided to tie the knot...and it turned out…they both had rope
After some negotiation on who would be the bride and who the groom
It seems they both wanted to be the groom
They shanghaied Lady Gabrielle to do the honors and sanctify their bliss
I’ve heard it was a lovely ceremony, lots of laughter, lots of tears
Sort of like Jade edging that noob in voice…but I digress
The deed was done and with much rice throwing and waving…
The honeymoon was set to commence….best two out of three falls I believe.
The rest of the courtyard crowd breathed a sigh of relief as the happy couple
Attempted to carry each other over a threshold, resulting in much torn lace I fear.

We skip forward in our tale now….to Sweet Seductions Dance Hall and Nooky Emporium.
Here we find Pamala DJing her hot little tush off as usual…wearing virginal white
Off in the corner, we see Lady Veronica in a scanty black top and almost there bottom
I believe Veronica could be seen momentarily twirling her luxurious black hair
Just above her lip…like Simon Legree stroking his mustache while sizing up his latest train track victim
I’m sure Pammy was distracted by all the usual chatter and sexual innuendo
Much of it from her own gestures and DJ track…but still
No one knows what exactly possessed her to let the nefarious Veronica
Grab the collar around her neck, leash her and bend her to her libidinous will
Well…I suppose we all have a few ideas of what might have been going thru her mind
This is Pammy we’re talking about after all
But….even so….Veronica of all people…I mean…it is no coincidence the Veronica and Vamp both start with V
Veronica in High School was named the "girl most likely to"…..just that…"girl most likely to"…
No one thought to be more specific….it seemed obvious to everyone at the time
And here was poor Pam, kneeling at the end of her chrome steel leash
It was a shocking sight…Pam abject and kneeling...blind folded…ball gagged….......and still talking
Veronica barely able to stand from hysterical laughing…occasionally passing out on the floor
I suppose it was the stress of the situation that made Pammy forget that her collar would automatically notify her true love when someone else claimed her affections
But…it happened....and
The notice went out to Zarita of Pammy's infidelity…I believe the air pressure dropped in the whole D sim as
Everyone sucked in a quick breath…just in case it was our last.
The air vibrated, leaves fell from the courtyards pixel trees as Zarita spoke those immortal words
“You Bitch!”
This of course excited Veronica even more and she immediately insisted on TPing to the courtyard.
(cue the Good, Bad and the Slutty background music)
As Pammy and Veronica rezed in the courtyard…Pammy at leash end kneeling
There was a stunned silence, .....a couple of nervous chuckles .....and one loud guffaw
(and I’m not going to apologize for that again, I couldn’t help it…OK!)
The courtyard habitués slipped silently to each side, just out of likely bullet trajectory
The air between the parties sizzled…though that could have just been someone’s microphone line open and making static
Many of those there waited with trepidation, some even waited with tense expectation…but most of us just sat back with a snack and a brew with our feet up eagerly anticipating some spectacular fireworks
Myself…I hit the TP button and hid in another sim for a while til the flames had died down…so I can’t tell you exactly how it was resolved.
I can say that I came back later and found that Pammy was now on Zarita’s leash
So I can only surmise that cooler heads prevailed when all parties realized that Pammy was really just playing the two of them off in the hopes of getting all the wedding presents for herself.
However it happened, Zarita had forgiven Pammy for being the slut she pretended to be and had taken her back under her generous care and protection…though she still kept a tight grip on her end of the leash.
Veronica I noticed was on the other side of the courtyard already beguiling some poor fool subby into thinking she’d be his kinky salvation.
So…things settled back to normal for the courtyard…and all the perverted flora and fauna calmly awaits the next outbreak of Dominion madness.

Authors note: This story is fiction, I did not actually witness any of the events depicted…so it had to be fiction since I also didn’t bother to interview any of the participants. The names however have not been changed to protect the innocent…since I happen to know that none of the characters in the story are innocents. In fact, now that I think about it, the only one that may need protection is your humble author.


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