Saturday, April 9, 2011

Doubt By Lady Siofra


Somehow that word doesn't seem something a Domme should say. Doubt. Just the sound of it send shivers down my spine. I however in my nature, question everything I do. Its something that has been triggered from going up with nothing but doubt and negativity in my life. While I won't push it onto others, I will question myself, my thoughts, and my feelings. It used to be to a point where I let it push so many away.

These days I have fought it more and more, trying not to let it ruin my chance to more meaningful connections.

How does this relate to a Femdom confession? Easy. I found myself once again scrutinizing each angle and poking at this new gift i have been given. Its something I've always wanted, something i am so excited for.
However I look at the shiny bow, wondering. Will I gift break this toy? Will i grow bored of it? Can I handle it?

Most of you listening know by now its the gift of her submission to me. Countless time I have started down this road. Countess times I have allowed myself to rush forward and believe that this time it will work. This time she'll stay around long enough to let me wrap that collar around her neck and close the lock.

Do I wonder if she'll stick around? This is SL where people can up and vanish.. So honestly? Yes I wonder. Do I wonder if a lot of what she does it just to impress me because she wants this? Yes I wonder. I am a women who thinks, and sometimes thinks to much. I put up walls out of instinct, make up tests to prove that i am write or wrongs.

So now I look at this gift again and wonder, am i really Ready?

The answer is, Yes, a deep felt terrified Yes. Does this make me any less of a Domme? Never, because i have the boobies to prove i and a strong woman who knows deep down she wants this, and deserves its. I know this girl is in it for the whole ride and strives to be my main focus.

So Jillian, when you wonder yourself in moment of doubt. Know sweet Dolli, that here in these words I have poured out my feelings and have given you the first key to unlock the first door to my maze.


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