Saturday, July 14, 2012

Pain by Lady Persephone

Pain by Persephone

Pain, so tempting a tool in the gladiatorial arena of pleasure. I use pain to perfect passion, my passion. I of course allude to your pain and my passion, there is no other perceivable path.  Your arms embracing my silken warm body arouse me. Your head on my toes as I work at my desk make my heart beat faster, your pain  delivered by my instruments of torture make me WET. A monsoon of tropical proportions gilding my cunt and thighs in droplets of the heavenly elixir.

Pain, exquisite communication between nerve and brain, I give it to you, driving deep chasms into flesh and head, my pleasure lining the trenched edges of desire.  No respite as your eyes glaze and you dedicate your body to my whim. Sublimate your conscious state into my loving hands, pain biting deep to reach your comatose senses. Breathing deep I suck  the breath from my possession; reach for the scalpel blade. Score my name with devotion in gothic script across your torso kissing each bead of blood as it bubbles from your mortal sheath.  Scrutinizing your prone body I worship your phallus blasting it with a universe of kisses until you stir. As you draw a deep breath I swoop up your body, place my throbbing cunt atop your mouth, hold steady until I orgasm, a super nova of dominance fueled by consummate submission.


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