Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Lesson Learned By Mitch

A Lesson Learned,or Naivete Doesn't Play (Mitch Philbin)

When I first came out and decided to act on my BDSM and spanking fantasies, I was an excited lad … as many subs are at that point. I had finally realized that all those magazines, toys, and implements were not being sold in the mere hope that I would wander by and meet them. There must have been a larger market out there … somewhere. I did some research and found that my city had a BDSM support and educational group that met monthly. This sounded like a grand place to meet people, or was it?

For two weeks, I loitered up the block and away from the group's meeting p-lace to survey the “pervs” going into the meeting. Hmmmmmmm, they were in nice casual attire, suits, etc. just as I dressed. They also looked like they had actually bathed that day. Interesting … not the stereotype one read about in those days.

On week three, I worked up the guts to drag myself into a packed meeting hall, and was warmly greeted. When the meeting began, it was clear that these people were intelligent, creative, and spoke the Queen's English (well, the Americanized version thereof). And …. the meeting was on Victorian role play and discipline compete with a caning demonstration. Hey, this was something I could get off on. I did pity the poor lads who had their arse's striped, but soon learned that what hey got was nothing more than a love tap.

Eager to actually try something out, I attended a social the following weekend, and met other folks. We had some nice discussions, exchanged thoughts on our interests, and generally had a nice social evening. One of the Ladies asked if I wanted to be spanked as a welcoming venture. I agreed with wide-eyed exuberance, but she said it would have to wait as she was just called home. She asked if I could come by her home during the week. I accepted with some hesitation … was this the axe murderer we all heard about in the scene? Yes, axe murderers can be women, too.

At the appointed time, I arrived at her house all brighteyed, busy tailed, and fearful. I brought a bottle of wine as a gift. She greeted me and announced that it was my lucky day as her friend was also visiting, so I would be initiated by two women. Sounded like a dream come true, so I was all in.

After some small talk, I was told to strip which I did with some embarrassment and humiliation. Fully exposed and vulnerable, I was placed over one Lady's lap. She began massaging my buns which naturally felt good, and then exploded a sharp smack off my ass. Youchhhhhhhhh! My first adult swatwas a stinger, but it really nothing in the big scheme of things. She continued like this for a bit while her friend looked for the paddle they wanted to use.

The next thing I heard was a shriek from the other room followed by a plethora of profanity. My spanker stopped to inquire what was happening, and was told … by an obviously annoyed women … that she couldn't find the paddle in her bag. They concluded that “Bob” who had borrowed it at the last party had not returned it. My “Dommes” decided to continue with a harsher paddle. Well, I was beaten black and blue within a matter of minutes by two angry women. Deep bruises were on my virgin skin over my ass, hamstrings and hips. It took more than two weeks for the evidence of this ordeal to go away. Some might say that this was good as it provided remembrances of the scene, The problem was that there had been no scene, just a beating.

I swore off BDSM after a short foray into it. That is until I worked up the courage to return to the support group meetings and chat with some other folks. I was told that my tormenters were not really known to the group, and was coached in safety procedures. Something I had naively failed to consider ahead of time. I knew nothing about safe words, safe calls, and so on much less not to play with anyone that you don't truly know. At least in a private setting where no one else is watching out for dangerous activities (i.e., dungeon monitors).

So, I got my ass whipped, but learned several things that have guided my experiences in this wonderful scene ever since.


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