Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bubbles By Eroyan

By: Wubber Ducky (aka Eroyan)

It is dark now but I sit waiting. The land is smooth as glass and feels cold under me as I gaze out among the white plain and wide valley before me. I have lived here for many a day etching out my existence for what seems forever. I have always been here, I have never been here, I will always be here, and you will never find me.

Daybreak the sounds of movement catches my attention and the flood begins. Always from the shiny mountain the clear water flows cool and refreshing then always like a hot spring welling under the cold white plain the water begins to steam and I feel the hot wet fog envelope me. It clings to my skin, sticky, hot, and forms beads of moisture that slide, rolling down my body. I am not alone.

She is here the one who I belong to. I only catch glimpses of the Goddess. Even I know she is one, the form of her flesh, her grace and light body moving in perfection as always. I keep my gaze on the white plain before me thought I desperately wish to gaze at her. Again I feel the need to praise her well up inside me but my world goes dark as I am about to talk and piercing the silence there is just a gentle…”Squeak”.

It’s all I ever manage to say so easily she overwhelms me. As I blink in the darkness the fragrance of her body is all around me and I shiver in untamed pleasure and delight before daylight is returned to me by her grace. The fabric she folds and I can see her form clearly as she sets it on the white plateau across the wide expanse from my own plain and valley now filling with steaming water. She graces me with a smile and I shiver as I inhaled deeply trying to control myself as I watch her enthralled.

She adds the magic powder to the water and it begins to bubble and they erupt quickly into the forest of slick white foam. I will have to navigate to find my Goddess. It is a game she plays for me. I am to find the Goddess upon the lake before the bubbles are all gone. It is a game I desire, to hope, would even beg to play if I could only speak. But I must be patient I must endure the unendurable.

First one long leg of the Goddess, it curls and touches just a light gently touch into the valley that was white and cool and empty just moments before. I watch the forest bob and sway from the touch. Then slowly ever so slowly I watch as she stretches and her foot sinks into the forest then her leg the waves of the lake lap near me and I try to wiggle to get closer to slide in to join her desperately. But I must wait, I must be patient even as the steam clinging to me and glistens on my own skin and the Goddess’s tempt me so badly.

The other leg both pillars of perfection that the world itself must rest on. Strong and beautiful, it is so painfully lovely to see. I must advert my eyes, and when I can finally stand it no longer I look back to see her hands sliding along the firm white plain and her back and shoulders sliding into the lake. Her hair drifts down and curls and cuts through the forest of bubbles. No not cut, the bubbles know she is their creator they part for her, for her body sliding and caressing against her as she settles into the miracle of the lake. Jealousy wells up as the bubbles laugh at me knowing I will have to fight my way through them to do what they do so easily to touch my Goddess. I twitch and see her fingers come toward me.

I pant, trying to breathe seeing her hand come closer and once again, I try to scream out my love for the Goddess. They brush me and I shiver in helplessness again and only a soft “Squeak” comes forth. She turns and I cannot look away in time those eyes. The eyes of a Goddess lock onto me for a moment and all is bared before her. She ones again graces me with a smile and I feel like I am melting as warmth wells up inside me.

I see the fountain of oil slide over me and shiver uncontrollably. Slowly I watch and must endure again what is unendurable as her wet soft legs slide from the water and she begins to drip it over her flesh. Rubbing and making her slick and glisten. I am helpless I cannot turn away. My passion is almost overwhelming as I am forced to watch as somehow she becomes more beautiful and elegant. I watch as she slides her hands over her own body making her skin glisten with oil. I tremble as she caresses her body as I must wait and endure.

The bubble nymphs taught me with their laughter as they slide in a dance about my Goddess and then without realizing it I smell the fragrances that well from the lake. The Goddess has added her other magic. The bubbles are drunk now in the pleasurable aroma finally reaching how I am just by the sheer sight of my Goddess. I hear my Goddess let out a soft sigh and moan of pleasure. I tremble so much in my own desire for her, I teeter on the edge of the white plain. No longer cool, but warm and hot stealing my breath and sight into a blurred vision of only the Goddess.

I wouldn’t care if I fell now. Falling is all I have the beauty and grace I have seen again and again in the dance of ritual of my Goddess is more than anyone could bear and not feel they had glimpsed something divine. Now I am falling and I do not care let me meet my maker so that I can live near my Goddess. I stop falling and in my surprise again I utter “Squeak!” I am lifted and the Goddess’s eyes and smile are upon me. I feel her fingers encircling me and they are slick with the water and heat. I gulp and shiver, moan to myself at her touch. She whispers but I cannot hear and then I am enveloped in the forest of bubbles and I bob and weave to avoid their drunken dance.

She is near the game has begun I begin to do my own dance in eddies and currents of my Goddess. I can barely make out her form, in the shadows of the bubbles as I “Squeak” here and there, when I bump into the valley wall. I must search for her, I must find her, and I cannot stand not to touch her. I find her knee and hear her laugh like the mountain wind singing through the cherry trees at spring time. It is a start. I feel her fingers brush me in pleasure as her movements make me dance faster and ride the currents directing myself through the arch of her leg and under her knee.

I endure the turbulence of the bubble nymphs as they slowly come out of their drunkenness knowing that the Goddess’s favorite is upon the waves seeking her. They know should I find her they cannot bring the pleasure I can to her. I bob and toss as between the arch of her knee and the tall walls of the valley lake I slide carefully around the glistening thigh of my desire. I am close I am drifting under the glimmering peaks of my Lady covered in bubble nymphs as they hiss at me to venture no further trying to deceive me into turning around. But one cannot hide that perfection and I know I am close.

I swirl under the peaks and between the arches of my Goddess. The motion swirls me around and around as the scents of flowers make me drunk but I shake my head and keep a clear mind. I must find it the thing that my Goddess needs. I have found her pool in the lake now I must find the one thing that can give me my reward. The motions of her arms and hands make me dance before her and I dance as if I shall never dance again before her, then I hear it. The rise of the white beast, and I try to yell in fright but again all I can venture is “Squeak!”

The white beast erupts beside me rising from the depths of the lake and tosses me to the side. It settles sending the bubble nymphs screaming for the flesh of my Goddess to protect them. I will not back down my Goddess needs the beast to finish her ritual and I will not fail her in my duty. I wait and use the waves to propel me. The beast is strong but stupid I will never allow something like this to elude my passion for my Goddess. I strike at the beast and it leaves its film on me making it hard to find purchase upon it. It lashes around and tries to throw its body against me. I feel the wind knock out of me as it connects and I swirl toward the valley wall.

I spin and slide along the glistening thigh of my Goddess feeling her warm flesh the scent and oil upon her and nearly black out from the feeling but I have a duty and drive back out toward the beast as it roars and froths at the bubble nymphs shrieking on the flesh of my Goddess. Moments before, they had tried to deceive me from getting near, now cheering as I strike the beast and latch on. The beast is wild and covers me in froth and thrashes back and forth but I shall not let go I cannot. We swirl before the Goddess in and out a match of will, one to go wild, and the other to obey the unspoken desire. I am tossed and covered in slickness and water feeling it roll over my flesh and down my back and I dance with the beast, I make it dance.

Subtlety I guide its thrashings its raging nature till it doesn’t even realize its matching my movements and slowly I begin to guide it. This way….that way…and finally before the beast even knows. My Goddess’s hand wraps around it capturing it. Her fingers tighten around it before it can escape and strokes it slowly to sooth the beast into behaving. I cheer knowing I have subdued the beast for my Lady, my love, my passion and desire, but as I lift my voice up I meet her eyes and once again all I can do is shiver in delight and “Squeak.”

She picks me up and cradles me stroking my head and caressing my body in reward for capturing her beast for her. I am graced with being cleaned by her hands and softly dried as her hair floats under me all the while I have let myself go drunk in the pleasure of her touch. She kisses my head softly and I move which naturally being so worked up comes out as a “Squeak.”, then set upon my home on the white plain and valley as I watch the lake slowly disappear and enjoy my Goddess’s form as she finishes her ritual. I breath in the fresh smells and beauty of her till finally she dons her fabrics and the day becomes night again.

I am tired and sleepy and my head drifts with the dreams of my Goddess that will sustain me until the next morning. Of the bubble forest and nymphs that will try to deceive me again of the oil fountain and the scents that come from the water. I have always been here, I will never be anywhere else.


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