Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Good Boy By Anonymous

“good boy”

It seems like years counting down the weeks, counting down the days, counting down the minutes and seconds until I finally met her, My Goddess. The nerves and excitement run deep, the idea that I will disappoint her runs through my head, but the words I might here for the first time on my knees in front of her, “good boy”, make me eagerly get ready to make sure all is perfect.

I think I know her so well, the months of talking, laughing, sharing, has come down to this. It is today, a few more hours, just a few more hours. As I prepare, I wonder if she will be happy when she see me for real the first time. My stomach churns, but I keep focus. I look at my list; I have read so many times to make sure all is perfect.
The place, a wonder of flowers, IRIS Hill. Fill with flowers as beautiful as my Goddess. The gift, six lovely pink roses for the months she has fill my life with joy. As I arrive, 30 minutes early , time freezes as I sit on the bench looking and yearning for her. I only need to count seconds now.

As she walks up, I see her, my heart pounding. I sit on the bench as requested as she walks to me but I want to run to her. Her beauty outshines all the flowers and all I can focus on is her. She, she arrives. greets me with a ‘hello boy’ , I slide of the bench to one knee and present her with the flowers , “hello my Goddess”, trying to tell her what I am feeling with my eyes , as she reaches down caresses my cheek … “good boy” … “good boy”.


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