Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Vagina Monologues Original: My Vagina Is Scared by Lady Tora

This is an original piece written and performed by Lady Tora at our 2014 Vagina Monologues Event.

“Cunt cunt,” say it, tell me “Cunt.”  “Cunt.”

My Vagina is scared.  I had to go for follow up Pap Smear because the first one, part of my yearly health check up, came back with "abnormal cells".  This is the first time my Pap Smear has not come back without a healthy result.

My Vagina is scared.  I have had three additional Pap Smears in the last two years since that first "abnormal" one and more recently a Col-pos-co-py.  A Col-pos-co-py is a special microscope used by a doctor to view a woman's cervix and vagina.  A Biopsy of any tissue can be taken at this time too.

My Vagina is scared.  During the Col-pos-co-py my doctor took a Biopsy from my cervix and I am waiting to find out the results.  What happens if the Biopsy finds something?  Does that mean the "C" word?

My Vagina is scared.  Cervical cancer is second only to breast cancer in women.  In Canada, where I live, every six hours a woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer and one woman loses her battle with it every day.

My Vagina is scared.  Cervical cancer is not hereditary like breast cancer can be.  Cervical cancer is caused by sexually transmitted HPVs or human papilloma viruses.  The majority of the known types of HPVs cause no symptoms in most people and most HPV infections in young females are temporary (clearing in 1-2 years) and have little long-term significance.  However, when the infection persists, in 5-10% of infected women, there is high risk of developing precancerous lesions of the cervix, which can progress to invasive cervical cancer.

My Vagina is scared.  There are 4 "stages" to cervical cancer.  At stage one, a woman's survival rate is 80-93%.  At stage two, the rate drops to 58-63%.  At stage three, it is cut almost in half to be 32-35%.  And finally at stage four, there is only a 15-16% survival rate.

My Vagina is scared.  Treatment for cervical cancer includes surgery that can range from having the affected tissue removed from the surface of the cervix to full out hysterectomy where the uterus and the entire cervix is removed.  A course radiation and/or chemotherapy can also administered.

My Vagina is scared.  GET REGULAR PAP SMEARS.  Most women would not think twice about getting a hair cut or a pedicure.  Why is the health of your vagina not more important?  A woman should be getting a Pap Smear yearly starting at age 21.  Progression to invasive cancer can almost always be prevented with regular screenings as it usually takes YEARS for precancerous cells to develop to actual cancer.

My Vagina is scared.  EDUCATE yourself on how to prevent or at least limit your exposure to HPVs.  If you have a daughter 16-18 years old, seriously consider her getting one of two available vaccinations.

My Vagina is scared.  I have gotten back the results of my Biopsy and it is negative for both Dysplasial and Mal-lign-ant cells meaning that at this time I do not have pre-cancer or cancer cells BUT because my Pap Smear results have come back positive for abnormal cells again, I will have to go for another Pap Smear in 6 months.  I may need another Col-pos-co-py and Biopsy in the future but my doctor will closely monitor me to ensure that if I do develop pre-cancer or cancer cells they will be able to treat them as early and quickly as possible.

My Vagina is scared.  Not only for me but for every woman.


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