Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Submitted anonymously by a Domme of the Dominion

Have you ever had a crush? A fascination with someone you can't have, but a crush that consumes your entire soul, drives you to dilema, makes you insanely happy and crazy hot inside.
Someone you think about in the middle of the night immediately when you wake up for water, someone who makes you smile when you are alone? Someone who makes you try harder, makes you want to be better? Someone who makes you just feel satisfied with your own self?

Have you ever had the kind of hot, sticky, infatuation that makes you take yourself in the middle of the afternoon, just thinking about something you've said together, a single action or gesture?
Have you ever wondered what they smell like, taste like, sound like when they climax, sound like when they moan or breathe labored with passion? Do you yearn to hear them whisper your name in the throes of passion?Hear the sounds of flesh slapping against wet flesh, hear a growl of pleasure, hear the "oh God" in their voice? Feel chillbumps on your flesh just by hearing that voice drop an octave when they begin to get turned on?Hear the desire in their voice when they are so consumed by how you've made them feel? Have you been so lost in the moment you forget time? Have you ached inside when you have to say goodnight, found yourself in a wretched mood because you missed them accidently, missed a phone call, an instant message, a song they dedicated to you?
Have you wanted to pack up and move your world to be closer to them just to be convienient to them should they choose you?
Would you change your world, your beliefs, your job to be all that they needed and wanted?
Would you?
Have you?
Thoughts like this are wicked, delicious and debaucherous, lovely and frightening.. I highly suggest you feel this way.. at least once in your life.. it will make you who you are.. It did me.


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