Monday, December 15, 2014

Spontaneous Confessions 12/06/14

Would you prefer wild, energetic, violent play or calm, sensual play? Describe why.


I think it depends on the circumstances, the mood, and the partner.  There are some that, just by their cuteness or their softness, beg for my abuse.  I like the whimpers and the sharp gasps.
Then there are some, that I just want to curl around and penetrate their mind.  To leave my imprint on their psyche.  To slowly, softly, insinuate myself through their barriers -- like water shaping rock.


Prefer? In some situations I'd like either. Or both.  Or one after the other....

Soft kisses on bloody lips. Gentile  teasing before a stinging storm...


Why is it either/or?

It really depends on many factors: mood, energy, chemistry with the other participant.  Also, one can lead to the other.  Thank you, done.


Wild tigers move slowly and deliberately as they stalk.
Every motion is spare.

To engage the senses, one must be intense.
To be intense, one must focus.
To focus, one must go deeply.
To go deeply, one must remain calm.
To be calm, one must still the distractions.
To avoid distractions, one must be in the moment.

Thrashing about, worrying about positions and gear and performance and images all take one out of the moment.

Providing entertainment to others is one kind of play.
A better form of play ignores others.


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