Monday, November 24, 2014

Sisyphus, 2014 by Doc

                        by Doc Nolan

“What’s up, Sisyphus?” said Diana, out for a hunt.
“Just rolling along like always,” said Sisyphus as he started -- pushing his stone up the mountain for the umpteenth time.  “You keeping control of your critters?” he asked Diana.

She nodded with a smile and then asked, “Would you like some company?”

“Sure!  Rolling this rock up to the top of this mountain gets old after a few hundred years…. So what’s the news from Mount Olympus?  Has Zeus been screwing around and getting into trouble with Hera same as always?”

“You sure don’t keep up with the latest, Sisyphus!  The gods and goddesses all left there ages and ages ago.  Mount Olympus has been bought and they’re putting a Disney park up there for tourists.   You really need to stop with the rock-rolling and catch up!”

Sisyphus grunted. “I wasn’t given the option, Goddess.  Besides, this sure beats what Tantalus got for his sentence, from what I’ve heard.”  Diana gave him a squirrelly look.  “You mean being locked up in chastity forever?”  She paused. “Oh, you mean the ‘cover story’.  Ah!  He never really had to stand in the water and watch it recede every time he had to take a drink.  They prettied up that myth.” She paused.  “Aphrodite told me the real story.  He was hanging around Hera and someone reported him. Zap.  Off to his eternal punishment:  being sent to the Island of Lesbos with his dick in a sling sitting in a puddle of water”.

Diana chuckled.  “I guess he’ll be a good boy there.”

Sisyphus was getting a bit bored – but the news about Mount Olympus was enough to keep him asking questions.  “So…. Diana.  Uh, do you think that now that the gods and goddesses are globe-trotting, I might get a break doing my time?  Do you think?”

Diana grinned.  “Well….. I might check for you.”  She thought a second.  “I think they’re living outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, now.  Some place called the San Fernando Valley.  I might have that backwards.  I could ask when I go over there next week”

“Are they still a party crowd or have they settled down?”  he asked.

Diana laughed out loud.  “The gods and goddesses quieting down?  You have been away too long!  Hey, they are as wild as ever.  They love it over there! The gods like the babes, and all the goddesses have rich boyfriends.  Lots of them are now in the porn business!”

Sisyphus, pushing hard against his rock, had by now rolled it about a hundred meters up the mountain . He dreaded having it roll back before its time.  He’d been told “up to the top and only then is it to roll down!”  He finally asked, “What is porn?”

Then Aphrodite laughed and asked,  “Wanna screw, Sisyphus?  Or would you rather watch me get laid?”  She lifted up her robes.

“What about both?”  he said, his eyes riveted on her nakedness.

“No way!   Keep rolling your stones, dreamer!  But to answer your question, you ignoramus: porn is a lot like being in a theatron except that the actors aren’t all guys.  The ladies are ‘active’, too.”  She grinned. “The gods and goddesses always have liked both screwing and watching.  Now we ladies get to have our fun, too!”

Sisyphus stared.  “It sure doesn’t sound much like Mount Olympus in the old days!”

Diana nodded.  “Yeah, it’s better. … Oh, you asked about getting your sentence commuted before.  You don’t like rolling this rock up the mountain?  Or watching it roll down again and then having to roll it up again – over and over – forever?”

“What do YOU think?”  Sisyphus wondered about Diana sometimes!

Diana ignored his question.   “Maybe I could get you to trade places with Tantalus.  He’s really boring and – if you were locked up in chastity instead of him – I bet you could attract a real following.   I’d come by and tease you for sure!”

“You would?”  Sisyphus figured being unable to have sex for all eternity couldn’t be worse than having to roll a stupid rock up a mountain forever!  “What do I need to do?”

“Ah”, said Diana.  “I thought you’d never ask!  I have quite a long list of ways you could please me!  Oh… I forgot to mention one thing that ties into that..... ”

“What’s that?”

“Well, if you take Tantalus’s place, your mouth will be totally free.  I’m sure we could get Aphrodite to teach you her favorite techniques for having you eat pussy.  I think you'd be good at that.  And hunting wild boar gets old sometimes.  Would you like that, Sisyphus?”

He grinned.  “Yep”.

Diana replied, “Don’t go anywhere.  I’ll be back next week.  I’m going to call in some favors from the gods (and the goddesses).  I’m sure I can work something out for you.”  Sisyphus liked her attitude.

As Diana walked away, Sisyphus stared at her butt. “No more rock for me!  I’m gonna be eating pussy for all eternity,” he said.  He began to chuckle.  Then he stopped, wondering if that would get boring, too, after a few hundred years…..

He shrugged his shoulders.  “I’ll worry about that, later!”


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