Sunday, November 9, 2014

Carl Had Been Dating by Doc

Carl had been dating Julie for most of the summer.  When he’d broken up with Veronica by mutual agreement, he’d asked her one favor.  As a generally nice girl she’d felt obligated to Carl and, though she was doubtful, had figured she owed him.  This was how he’d met Julie.

He’d simply asked his ex-girlfriend, “Since I’ve always treated you with respect and since this breakup is your idea and not mine, would you help fix me up with someone that you think would suit me?”  She’d initially resisted, but – since he was basically a nice guy (and inconveniently just “there”) she decided to find someone ‘just right’ for him.

When Carl went out with Julie for the first time, he wondered.  Finally he asked, “How do you know Veronica – and how well?”

“Oh, she and I both are in the same math class, but I don’t think she knows me very well.  Actually she asked me how to get you fixed up with someone and we got to chatting then.”

“Oh, said Carl.

“You know the reason she broke up with you, don’t you, Carl?”

He shook his head.  “Nope”.  At that, Julie just chuckled.

“She wanted to get laid, and after Jimmy – the quarterback on the varsity team – made a move on her, she decided to trade up.”  Julie had then looked at Carl’s face.  He was devastated.  Obviously Veronica had never been very open with poor, pathetic Carl.  “Anyway, I told your ex that I would make things easy for her.  I told her I’d take you on.  As a challenge.”

Carl was still in shock.  He’d always wanted to ‘do it’ with Veronica, but he’d never dared even show any interest in her.  He’d figured she was a nice girl and would be shocked and repulsed if she knew he wanted more than just a peck on the cheek and a hug at the end of a date.  He was barely listening to Julie.

Julie noticed his inattention.  Her gaze roamed over him, however and she made a decision.   “You didn't know, Carl?” she cooed.


“Carl, you and Veronica were never right for each other, you know.”  She then lied.  A big whopper! “Carl, I’ve had my eyes on you for a long time!” (Actually she had barely noticed either Veronica or Carl.  They both might have been furniture for all she’d cared.)

“Me?” he asked.

“Yep! Oh – and Carl – I really find you attractive!”  This wasn't quite a lie.  He was no better or worse than most of the other guys in class, but he did have one thing going for him.  She was (pretty) sure that she could get him to do whatever she wanted him to do.  Few of the guys were as passive as Carl.  That was his attraction.

Julie had then decided to put Carl to the test. “Carl, if I let you see my breasts, will you do my math homework?”  He had vigorously nodded.  Julie knew this was the guy for her!

Unlike lots of juniors, she never broke her promises.  From math homework, she gradually got him to most of the rest of her homework.  Then – since he had an ancient wreck of a car – she figured out how to make him into her personal chauffeur.  And then out to some really nice restaurants.  Julie was no dummy.

It was only at the end of the summer, with Carl now trained to take care of her sexual, personal, and school needs that she made some ‘adjustments’.  Kenny was a college freshman.  Time to dump Carl.  She broke the news to him gently, “Carl, I have a friend of mine who would be ‘just right’ for you.”

Carl never found out that the lady Julie had picked was a very ambitious sophomore.

“Hey, if you handle this guy just right you can get him to do your homework, be your chauffeur,  take you out to nice restaurants, and be your sex slave.  Are you interested?”  Alexandra nodded with an enormous grin on her face.  “Oh, and when you come over to my house this weekend, plan on spending the entire morning in bed with me and Kenny.

“Wow!  Cool!” were the only words Alexandra could manage. Except for “I owe you big time!”


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