Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Sonnet of Most Earnest Contrition by Argosian

A note from Esskah Stonesoul (esskah):

Upon discovering that My Argosian claimed to not know how to beg, I decided to teach him... trial by fire! Or in this case... trial by post!

In other words... he was posted, with a promise of no release... until he could offer a proper beg. Considering he is an avid roleplayer on my Sim with me... this was a punishment most dire!

The next morning, he produced the following Sonnet in request for release from his predicament.  I admit... I was moved to tears (of laughter).

(And yes, he earned his freedom.)


A Sonnet of Most Earnest Contrition
by Argosian (alakyrr)

Alas! From woeful waffling gripes,
A quandary finds me fettered, dour
And on my face, imprints of stripes
From sleeping on Your hardwood floor!

What plaintive words could sway Your heart?
What piteous pleas would change Your mind?
Unaccustomed to this perilous art,
Has verse deserted me in kind?

And so by morning light awaked,
i do so beg Thee on bended knee
That You might find Your ire slaked
And from this lonely pole untie me.

For all of my most guarded treasures
my love is Yours beyond all measure.


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