Pale or pink, Pert or tear
Boobies, boobies, they are everywhere
Less than a handful, more than a handful
Boobies, boobies, plenty to share
Jiggling up, jiggling down,
Boobies, boobies, let me go to town
Chomping here an chomping there
Boobies, boobies, nom nom where?
Tease them softly, Nibble them rough
Chew them harshly, scratch them off
Boobies, boobies, always there
Boobies, boobies, they’re everywhere
Bound or free, Waxed or flogged
Pegged or scratched, tight and locked
So give them a squeeze, or tickle them soft
Boobies, boobies, don’t throw them off
Boobies, boobies there’s nothing better
Boobies, boobies I love them forever.
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