Sunday, November 9, 2014

What Do You Want by Doc

When a domme asks, “What do you want….?” I feel an impulse to say “I want to scream in frustration!”  But I restrain myself.

And I think.

What does a dog want when you throw a stick onto a pond and he jumps in to return it to you – and why do you throw it to him?

When a small baby smiles at you and you smile back at it, what did it want – and why did you smile back at that tiny face?

A frowning store clerk yesterday seemed grimly determined to stack a pile of merchandise.  What did she want to achieve? And why did you say, “Wow.  They sure keep you busy, don’t they?”?

When an old friend sends you a birthday card do you think, “I wonder what she wants?”

When the sun rises on a cold morning and sends its rays onto your skin, warming you and making you feel good, do you ask of the sun, “What do you want?”  Does the sun answer?

Sometimes we haggle over a purchase.  Bid and ask.  Sale or regular price.  “Why are you selling this if it’s so good?”

The marketplace where people gloat if they ‘get one over on you’ – or if you ‘get one over on them’.

Is sex a marketplace?  Do dogs haggle?  Do babies bargain?  Does the sun withhold for freebies?  Does a domme put one over on dogs and babies and the sun?  Does a son or daughter refuse to visit aging parents unless they do something in return?

Sometimes a simple question reveals more than the answer.

The words, “What do you want?” or “I want” sometimes tell you more than any words that follow.  The questions carry their own answers.


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