Saturday, April 7, 2012

Miss Bella by Ash

I  dont  have  a  lot  to  say  that  I  can  put  in  to  words, I  just  dont  have  a wide enough volcabulary  to find the relative  words  to say  as  I need  too .

Miss Bella  was a  strong  minded  person that  knew  what  she  wanted, and  knew  how  to get  it , she  was  a  widly respected  woman  and  Mistress
 she  was  my Mistress,

 the  highlight  of  my  day, was  to  be  at  her  feet being  pleasing  or  just  to be  around  if  i  was needed to be  pleasing .
I was never  disapointed
and  I  hope  that  I  never  disapointed  her

I  loveed  her  more  then anything  and  would  do  anything  for  her.

I  liked  that  Mis Bella  would  never  have asked  of me  somthing  I  was not  into, altho  if  I  had of been  asked,  I  would  have .

I did  not  know  that  Mistress   had such a  terrible  illness  before I submited to  her  but  it  would  have  made  no  difference, I would still have  submitted

I  had from that moment  that  I  would  soon  be  released but  I  didnt  want  to leave  and  I  dont  believe Miss  Bella wanted me to  go .

but  we both knew  it  was  for the  best  for  both  of  us. when the  right time  came.
I  prayed  for  her altho I don't follow the beliefs of my  religion
I  washed  that  I  could  take  the illness for  myown  so  that  Miss Bella  would  live free of the  illness .

i  still wear  the  braclette that  I  made  for  her  and  now  I will never  take  it  off .

I will always  remember  Miss Bella
and  will always  have  her  space  in  my  heart


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