Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday Night Part 4 by Lady Raffila

Seated at her dressing table, the mistress glanced over a rather large selection of fragrances lined up on the gleaming mirror surface of the table.  Her sub stood
behind her. He gently teased a lock of her deep red hair with a hair brush, trying to untangle a knot.  His brow line knotted into a frown as he concentrated on the task.

"Don't pull it, be careful, god don't pull it," he muttered to himself, mindful
of the mistress tender scalp and even more tender sensibilities.  If he caused her
the slightest bit of discomfort, he knew he would pay dearly for it later.

The mistress sat straight and still.   She wasn't in any mood to torment the sub, while he struggled with her long hair. Even mild humiliation could be risky, while he held the hairbrush.  Her head ached dully, she wanted the brushing to end as quickly as possible.

"Did you know that they use Obession at zoos, spraying it around the big cats to stimulate
their sense of smell?"  she asked.

"No, mistress, I did not know that," he replied.
The mistress was a fountain of odd facts.  The sub had learned many strange bits of
information, during his service to her.  He sometimes found a way to pop one of these unusual tidbits into his conversation to impress his family, when he went to see them on Sundays.

He wondered if his mother would cook one of his favorite meals this week. Only two days til he could go home to see her.  He liked the way his mom piled the food on his plate and urged him to have second helpings.

His mistress refused to offer him a second helping and often made him reduce the amount of food on their plates. She said it was the easiest way to watch your weight. "Portion
control" she called it.  "Half-starving ourselves," he'd think to himself.

He was a strapping big boy, little fat and lots of muscle.  Mistress liked him to take body builder poses so she could feel his muscles.  He liked flexing for her.  She made him
practice flexing and unflexing the muscles supporting his penis, too.  He could make it jerk and jump inside her.  She seemed to find that movement very erotic.  He found it
fun, only if she'd let him release, which she rarely would.  And never inside her.

The sub sighed, wondering when she might let him release normally again.  She's taken
a fancy to milking him, which he loved and hated.  The mistress sighed too, wishing
her hair dressing would go more quickly.

She's purposely chosen a cosmetology student, when she'd selected a new sub for herself.
When the boy had passed his exams and received his license, she let him work for a year
in a good salon, before deciding he'd reached a level of competence sufficient to her needs.  At the point, she required that he stay home and devote himself exclusively to her.

Friday nights, she was exhausted after a long day at work.  She wished that the femdoms could secure a Saturday night from the dungeon.  "Wouldn't it be lovely, she said to the boy, "if we could take a nap and not have to rush thru these preparations for tonight?"  He nodded, "yes Mistress, these Fridays are very hard on you."

She smiled.

"Well hurry up and finish the hair, boy, so that we can get going." she said with a trace of
urgency.  She grabbed the bottle of Obsession, sprayed some on her neck and looked at the boy in the mirror of the dressing table.
"I wonder if I should turn him into a big cat?"  she mused silently.

 The boy caught her look in the mirror and felt a sudden twinge of fear.


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