Sunday, March 15, 2015

Fellow Goddesses by Anonymous

A field leaning back against the sky
Spreads open before me
Brown and forlorn from the long heavy winter
Small brave blades of green gasp for breath
She throws off the dark, wet weight of snow
And rises up to me to say a word

She points across the heavy grey blanket of the horizon
To a crimson whirling dervish of a flame
It dances for her, she boasts, on the tip of a flare stack
I think of altars and oracles and virgins pushed off precipices
And know she has recognized me

She smiles triumphantly and lays back down in the muddy leaves
I too am a goddess and understand these things
A minor one, but still
I have my minion who worships me
With offerings of clean sheets and cups of coffee
And nights filled with unspeakable things


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