Sunday, September 14, 2014

Impromptu Confessions: I Can't Believe That....

I can't believe that I can have amazing chemistry with a person in one respect and then have everything else go to shit.  It makes me sad.  Live and learn.

I can't believe that I broke.
I can't believe that I cracked,
That I shattered,
and folded,
and knelt,
and begged,
and pleaded,
and desperately needed,

I can't believe that I...

... spent two hours of my life *excited to watch* the 'Unauthorized, Behind the Scenes of Saved By the Bell."

What a let down that was.

I can't believe that I'm a life form living on a tiny speck of dust called 'Earth' in such an enormous universe amid billions and billions of suns and that out of the billions of years I actually am occupying one tiny sliver of time in all that vastness.  Stranger yet:  I'm trillions of times larger and more complex than any single neutron or proton or electron.  Strangest:  I know these things (unlike a rock or a comet or a black hole).

I can't believe that I didn't see it sooner... the beauty in broken things. In Japan, when vases break, they repair the cracks with gold... the art of doing this is called "Kintsugi" and the idea is the importance of embracing the flawed... the imperfect... as something that makes us beautiful, real, and worthwhile.

~~Danika Stonesoul


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