Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why I Came To You by Rebelpoet

I came to you to be abused.
I wanted to be raped and humiliated.
I expected brutality and disdain
I wanted to be hit over and over again.
To be called unthinkable names.
I wanted to be ashamed.
I needed you to validate my negative worth.
I needed you to confirm my misogynistic beliefs.
I came before you and you had me strip and then lie
Down naked in front of you. Finally, I thought, she will
Make fun of my body, she will hit me, she will hurt me.
I have nothing to offer I thought. I was in this for me.

But you refused. Instead you treasured my body.
Embraced me and called me "beautiful" in your eyes.
Drew me to you, held me in your arms, kissed me.
Left me confused and vulnerable. Where I sought hate,
I got love. By giving me love, you showed me I had value.
And I am discovering that by being given love,
I have something to offer.

So I give to you my body.
I give to you my love. I give to you my submission.
I give what is most valuable, what is most precious,
I give to you me.


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