Sunday, January 4, 2015

So Lucky by Anonymous

It has been a long and tiring day.

We've been packing away Christmas decorations for the year. We've been vacuuming carpets. We've been cleaning the garage, the kitchen, entertaining the kids friends. It's been a long day.

A few minutes ago as the last boxes of the day were going into storage, Mistress told me to go prepare a bath for her, which I dutifully did. I made sure that the bath tub was clean. I ran her water at the temperature she likes it. I put her favorite bubble bath in the water. I put a clean cloth and towel by the bath etc. As she was getting undressed to get in the bath, she took her boots off and looked at them. She handed them to me and said "these are dusty. I want them cleaned". Half jokingly and half out of exhaustion, I gave them a quick shine with my shirt sleeve and said "good as new". She did not look amused. We talked about what she wanted done to her boots and off I went to clean them as instructed.

As I was sitting here half grumbling to myself because I am tired, I had one of those moments. You idiot! Do you realize how many men would kill or die to take your place?

Her boots are really clean and shiny now and I'm half embarrassed that for even a minute I thought I was too tired to clean them.

Despite having at least my fair share of life's challenges lately, I'm such a lucky guy.

2015 is off to a nice start.


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