Saturday, December 17, 2011

Starbuck Sub by Black

Twas the day of the Trials at Dominion
Druth waited, his turn soon upon him
Her Judgery heard the case and found him guilty
Chief Zarita to set the punishment, what would it be?
A gasp in the court, a sentence to be a cup for a week
The Starbucks av was unveiled, the shape so sleek
Druth “dressed” slowly, the lid leaking steam
His shape slumped at the shame, an awful dream
The week passéd like a month, the butt of jokes
He grinned bravely as his throat chokes
His stirrer waves defiantly, he serves the Ladies
A latte perhaps, sweet with honey from bees
Finally the end is nigh, he strips away the cup
He thanks Lady Zarita and kneels, a coffee ready to sup.

A Limerick to Lady Zarita

There was a Mistress named Lady Zarita
Black wondered how he could meet her
She called for Starbucks
But Druth heard “she fucks”
So she made him bend while she pushed in a fajita


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