Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hamster Wheels by Anonymous

Title:: Hamster wheels
By Anonymous
I am stuck in a hamster wheel
Looks around, and see others that run in them as well,
spinning faster and faster,
    some is slacking and rolls over by the wheel,
Some wheels are too small to those in it,
some are just with too big inertia and friction to those in it,
    squeaks as it turns..
Some wheels look more comfortable,
    I want such one.
In my dream I long for a special wheel,
    a wheel controlled by an owner.
Would I dare  to jump over to such one?
If I could slow this one down,
    with some help, yes
and how to, which tiny feet, run over to the other wheel,
    and sync in.
Stuck in hamster wheels
Are we really?


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